gender neutral nursery

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One.  Week.  Left.  I can’t believe what a wild ride these past five weeks has been.  I can’t believe I’ve made it?!  I can’t believe that next week, it’ll all be over and the space will be complete?!  Of all of the weeks, I can say without hesitation that this past week has been the […]

"Tours, Tips & Tales" 
a go-to resource guide for all things interior design

gender neutral nursery

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I have to admit, the last time that I did a design plan in this type of time crunch, was back in college!  This week has been a whirlwind.  Planning alone is always fun and a little bit of a challenge, but finding myself needing to make design decisions also based on timelines and product […]

gender neutral nursery

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A NIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR OR A PRETTY, PRETTY PRINCESS?  I LOVE baby spaces!  I also love a challenge…  So, designing a nursery in which the gender of the new baby is unknown creates such a fun opportunity for me to push myself! It can become such overkill to do the predictable pink nursery for a […]

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